About EuNIT

The EuNIT project will work towards 3 main aims:

1) Training of 24 university staff to develop European project design and management units

For this purpose, the EuNIT project will train a selected team of 24 staff from 8 partner universities in Jordan, Libya and Lebanon and equip them with necessary skills and resources to run EU project design and management units within their institutions. Also, this will help gather a regional pool of trainers who can deliver local training adapted to the needs of HEIs in the South Mediterranean region.

2) Develop online course on European project management

The EuNIT project will develop innovative tools such as online courses (MOOCS) open to everyone interested in European project management and make it accessible through e-learning platforms. The MOOCs will be based on the training for trainers sessions specifically designed to fit the needs of South Mediterranean countries.

3) Creation of a regional network of HEIs

To support the participation of South Mediterranean HEIs in European projects, the EuNIT project plans to set up a regional network of HEIs in order to gather and exchange good practices and experience in project design and management, but also to train a greater number of staff.
As a result, HEIs in the countries concerned should become more independent in designing and managing EU projects, being able to increase the amount of project applications they submit, and targeting more closely their needs in terms of developing and modernising their HEI. To this effect, HEIs in the South Mediterranean region will be able to develop sustainable international partnerships.

The EuNIT project is structured around 6 work packages that represent the different fields and aspects of the project’s development. The work package leader is in charge of following up the advancement of the different tasks established for each work package. You can find out the details of each WP by clicking on the links that appear on this page.

WP Leader: Yarmouk University, Jordan

This WP aims to serve as the foundations for the project development phases. Initial studies will be finalised and official documents drawn up to guide project development activities.
The needs analysis conducted with the input of all project partners and concluded by the WP leader will serve as a basis which all project partners will be able to validate. Furthermore, the observation and feedbacks from the training sessions will be used to write a guidebook for installing european project design and management units.

WP Leader: Téthys, Aix-Marseille University, France

This work package aims to produce training sessions and practical placements adapted to the learning needs of Partner Country HEIs. It will ensure the transfer of skills and expertise in project design and management from Programme country partners to selected future trainers from Partner Country HEI partners. Furthermore, it will be an opportunity for valuable exchange and interaction between Partner Country partners, forming the basis for a future network stimulating exchange across Partner Countries. It will result in trainers that are capable to set up an EU project design and management unit and, in turn, transfer the skills and expertise they have developed to their colleagues and to other interested personnel from HEIs in the Partner countries. The project plans to offer for each of the 24 selected staff a total of 2 training sessions and 1 practical placement

WP Leader: University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

This work package aims to successfully install an EU project design and management unit within each participating Partner Country HEI. Once installed, the aim is to create a regional network, on the basis of the EU project design and management units as the network founders. The network will become operational within the project lifetime.
The work package objectives are to guide the selected trainers in the setting up and running of their individual EU project design and management units, assist these selected trainers in their organisation of internal and external training sessions, ensure the unit becomes fully operational and install a regional EU project design and management unit network which will serve as a contact point for other HEIs in the region.

WP Leader: UNIMED, Italy

The EuNIT Quality Plan aims to ensure that all project activities are carried out to the highest possible standard and objectives are reached. This will involve the evaluation of project progress thus the precise definition of indicators, monitoring procedures and adapted tools by the Steering Committee at the beginning of the project. Thus, throughout the project lifetime, the project members will be aware of standards to be met for the tasks they are carrying out and how to achieve those standards within the time allocated.

WP Leader: Téthys, Aix-Marseille University, France

This work package is a key element of the project and aims to guarantee its visibility. The project activities should reach the widest public possible to ensure the sustainability of the actions beyond the project’s lifetime and therefore maximise impact. A clear strategy will lay down the foundations to ensure the success of the work package. Therefore, different forms of communication will be implemented to ensure a wider dissemination for example the project website, social networks, newsletters, etc. The project website will serve as an important means for exploitation with the publishing of MOOCs for learning purposes which will be accessible worldwide but targeted for HEIs and Research Centres in the South Mediterranean region.

WP Leader: Téthys, Aix-Marseille University

In order to successfully manage the project Aix-Marseille University will ensure that management actions are in place. The TETHYS network at Aix-Marseille University has valuable experience in project coordination and will be responsible for reporting to the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) and communicating with the European Commission when necessary. The Project Manager (PM) will be assisted by a Steering Committee (in charge of the strategy, establish progression indicators, and evaluate activities and a Coordination Cell (in charge of the everyday running of the project) whereby each partner will be represented. The purpose of these management bodies is to ensure all objectives are reached, the project calendar and budget are respected and the necessary administrative tasks are completed. In order to ensure a maximum amount of coordination between partners, meetings (actual or virtual) will be held every 6 months throughout the project. This will equally enable all partners to be represented in important decisions concerning the project management. This work package will ensure the procedures necessary to enable the smooth running of the project are identified in the form of a manual at the beginning of the project.