In the context of the EUNIT Erasmus+ project, the EuNIt team at the University of Balamand Have organized an internal information/training session on Wednesday, 24 July 2019. In this context, the UOB trainers (Mrs. Rouba Borgi, Mrs. Eliane Nassar and Mrs. Rana Chahine), have prepared the presentation for the UOB colleagues. The session was attended by colleagues from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Issam M. Fares Faculty of Technology and ALBA (Academie Libanaise des Beaux arts) have participated.  The session was organized for a total of twenty four UOB Faculties’ members and staff.

One aspect that was addressed in the presentation is the EuNIT project itself to make the colleagues aware of the project and some of its main activities including the various training sessions that were performed in various European Universities and the guidebook that was produced.  Another aspect is concerned with the history of Erasmus+, general information and the information related to some Erasmus+ programs such as the International Credit Mobility (ICM) and the Capacity Building for Higher Education (CBHE) etc.…. They have prepared the presentation based on the topics covered during the training sessions which they have followed in the development phase of the EuNIT project (i.e. Work Package two) as well as based on their experience during the creation of the unit.  Consequently, this will enable the UOB colleagues who have not participated in the project to gain knowledge and information about the various programs. That is followed by an exchange and a discussion regarding the presented topics.

Information about the EuNIT project (Philosophy, objectives, partners, deliverables, general overview, impact on UOB, future perspectives) was disseminated to the participants during the internal session.

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